Classroom Contract Middle School Template: Creating a Positive Learning Environment

As a middle school teacher, creating a positive and nurturing learning environment is one of the most important things you can do for your students. A classroom contract is an effective tool to help achieve this goal. The agreement among students, teacher, and parents can set clear expectations and promote mutual respect, responsibility, and cooperation.

Here’s a template for creating a classroom contract for middle school students:


Begin with a written statement that explains the purpose of the classroom contract. Use language that the students can understand, and explain that this document is a commitment that everyone agrees to follow.

Example: This classroom contract is a commitment between the teacher, students, and parents to work together to create a positive and respectful learning environment. It outlines the expectations and responsibilities that we all have to support each other and achieve academic and personal success.


List the expectations for student behavior, academic achievement, and communication. Use specific language and examples to clarify what is expected and what is not acceptable. Encourage students to contribute to the list of expectations so that they feel ownership of the contract.


1. We will respect each other’s differences and opinions.

2. We will arrive on time and prepared for class.

3. We will actively participate in class discussions and activities.

4. We will maintain a positive attitude and show kindness to others.

5. We will complete assignments on time and to the best of our abilities.

6. We will keep our work area clean and organized.

7. We will use appropriate language and behavior in person and online.


Specify the consequences for not meeting the expectations. Clearly state the steps toward correction and discipline, including the consequences of repeated misbehavior.


1. Warning: A verbal reminder of the expectation violated.

2. Conference: A discussion with the teacher to review the expectation and the behavior that needs to be corrected.

3. Parent contact: A call or email to parents to notify them of their child’s behavior and discuss solutions.

4. Referral: A referral to the principal or school counselor, depending on the severity of the misbehavior.

5. Documented Consequence: Loss of privileges, detention, or other consequences deemed appropriate by the teacher.


Reward students who meet or exceed the expectations. Encourage students to participate in creating the rewards to motivate them and make them feel valued.


1. Praise and recognition: Verbal and written recognition of good behavior and academic achievement.

2. Positive phone call home: A call to parents to celebrate their child’s progress.

3. Special privileges: Extra credit, extra recess time, or other rewards agreed upon by the students and teacher.


End with a written statement that reinforces the importance of the classroom contract, the expectations, and the consequences. Encourage all parties to sign the contract to show their commitment to creating a positive and respectful learning environment.


We, the teacher, students, and parents, agree to follow the expectations and consequences outlined in this classroom contract. We understand that this commitment is important for our success and happiness in the classroom. We will work together to create a positive and respectful learning environment where we can learn, grow, and succeed.