The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that oversees and regulates the global trade system. It helps member countries negotiate and enforce trade agreements that promote fair, open, and predictable trade between nations. However, not all agreements fall under the purview of the WTO. In this article, we will explore which of the following agreements is not under WTO rules.

The WTO has a set of rules and regulations that govern trade between members. These rules cover a wide range of areas, such as tariffs, non-tariff barriers, subsidies, intellectual property rights, and dispute settlement mechanisms. When two or more countries agree on something related to trade, they may develop a trade agreement that falls under the WTO rules.

One of the trade agreements that fall under WTO rules is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). GATT was the first multilateral agreement that aimed to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers among members. It was established in 1947 and later became part of the WTO in 1995.

Another trade agreement that falls under the WTO rules is the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). TRIPS is a set of rules that governs how intellectual property rights are protected and enforced in international trade. It sets minimum standards for patents, trademarks, copyright, and other forms of intellectual property, and requires members to enforce these standards in their national laws.

The WTO also oversees the Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which governs how services are traded across borders. GATS covers a wide range of sectors, from telecommunications and finance to healthcare and education. It aims to increase market access for services providers by reducing barriers such as licensing requirements and foreign ownership restrictions.

However, there is one trade agreement that does not fall under WTO rules, and that is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP was a regional trade agreement that aimed to deepen economic ties between countries around the Pacific Ocean. It was signed in 2016 by 12 countries, including the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

While the TPP included provisions related to tariffs, non-tariff barriers, intellectual property, and other areas, it was not governed by the WTO. Instead, it had its own dispute settlement mechanism and enforcement mechanisms. However, the TPP never entered into force after the United States withdrew from the agreement in 2017, and its future remains uncertain.

In conclusion, the WTO governs a wide range of trade agreements that aim to promote fair and open trade between countries. While most trade agreements fall under WTO rules, there are some exceptions, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Understanding these agreements and their respective rules is essential for businesses engaging in international trade and those looking to operate in foreign markets.